We’ve been waiting for you… Long before you arrived, much time, detail and attention were infused into the creation of our signature spa experiences, along with a barrel of love and you in mind. We invite you to immerse yourself into some of the best experiences we offer.
- Soul Journey Two Hour Signature Massage
- Transformation HypnoMassage
- Soothing Shea Butter-Paraffin Body Wrap
- Sandalwood Ancient Mind-Body Cleanse Wrap
- Mediterranean Veggie Body Wrap
- SuperGreens Long Life Body Wrap
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage Exclusive
- Nasya (Sinus Relief) Purification
- “Yummy Buns” Fanny Facial
- Rejuvenating Love Signature Spa Manicure
- Rejuvenating Love Signature Spa Pedicure
- Healthy Ritual Hand & Foot Facial
- Ceremonial Ritual Hand & Foot Facial
- The Royal Treatment Hand & Foot Facial
- The Dance of Beauty Tandem Signature Spa Facial
- The Art of Self Love Signature Spa Facial
- Love Thyself Supreme Indulgence Spa Package