Wellness Classes – Periodically, we offer community wellness classes on a variety of holistic health related topics that are designed to give you education, inspiration & transformation. Workshops and seminar type wellness classes for the body, mind & spirit are taught by expert professionals on our staff, as well as distinguished guest speakers. Depending upon the event, payment options are: a) free, b) donation, c) class or series fee. Optional: Our Mobile Spa can also bring wellness classes to your event, contact us for more information.
(*NOTE: We are currently updating our classes and this web page is in development. Check back soon for class details and schedule.)
Wellness Wednesdays –
An opportunity to sample wellness with our spa every Wednesday – All Day! We invite you to sample vegan & raw food treats, sample spa services (5-7 mins each, hand or foot massage), sample wellness products, and hear wellness speakers scheduled with just 30-45 minutes of enlightenment. Choose to receive a full spa treatment & get a complimentary upgrade or product. $5 Donation or Free Event with spa treatment purchase. Check-In Required. Gratuities for therapists not included.
Holistic Healthy Happy Hour –
Come out after work hours for some holistically healthy fun & de-stressing! Join us from 3-7 p.m. every 1st Friday, as we provide 30-min Mini Spa Services, Life-Giving Party Food & Drink, win Prizes, and indulge in Healthy Entertainment. Reserve your treatment: Massage, Facial, Manicure, Hot Stones Foot Treatment, or Scalp/Face Massage. Optional: Second treatment $35 extra. Space is limited, sign up/pay by the 15th of previous month, save $6 + enter to win prize of the hour.
Cost: $69 per person (earlybird by the 15th)
After the 15th: $75 per person
Bring a friend / Check-In Offers ($4 discount + free treatment upgrade/add-on)
No Expiration 3-month Package: $118 (Only $59 ea, Save $27, no other discounts.)