Let Us Take Your Health & Wellbeing To Paradise...



350x524Thank you for choosing LOVE THYSELF DAY SPA … Welcome. Make yourself at home in our very relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. We pray that you will experience the utmost of care in our services, products, and education provided to you. You will be the total focus of our attention as we assist you with self-nurturance. So let go of your stress, allow yourself to relax and become totally self-absorbed. For this is your time – yours, and yours alone.

We want you to know that we are passionate about helping people to live better quality lives and our commitment lies in promoting a natural, wholesome lifestyle with balance and harmony. Our uniqueness as a spa is reflected in many ways, such as 1) The careful, conscientious way that we choose our products. We strive as much as possible to use and sell only pure, high-quality & results-oriented products that are 100% or nearly all natural (vegan), organic, cruelty-free and environmentally friendly. 2) We are just as careful in choosing our therapists, inviting only those who are competent & eager to serve to be a part of our team. 3) Our services include both traditional & nontraditional spa services with a focus upon health & nurturance above beauty & pampering. 4) We take the time that each and every client deserves rather than rushing them through or cutting them short. This also means giving clients just a little bit more than what they have paid for or expect. 5) Our attention to detail, all of the little things we do & give, plus the way that we work with our clients over and above all the rest. 6) Through education, informal and formal, individual and group, our goal is to assist clients in making lifestyle changes.

So to you, our client & guest, we encourage you to commit today toward making your health a priority… for there is nothing more important than this. Please let us partner with you in making a positive difference in your health. We thank you for this opportunity.


LTDS Team Members

Love Thyself Day Spa